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Boston Children's Hospital Bridge & Garage Project

Structural demolition of a Pedestrian bridge spanning over the main entrance of Boston Children’s Hospital. Unified performed the selective removal of the interior/exterior of the bridge during the night while maintaining 2 lanes of traffic below over a 2-week period. The main entrance was closed for 24 hours to allow Unified to set up and remove the pre-cast panels and structural steel to complete the entire removal of the bridge successfully and the hospital was able to re-open the main entrance to the public 1 day early Unified performed the exterior façade demo during the day and the night shift while working around an active garage. Project consisted of masonry façade demo of an 8-story garage, perimeter trellis overhanging the sidewalk, concrete sawcutting of the floor and wall openings, sawcutting and removal of 5 floors of large concrete upright spandrel beams and miscellaneous interior demo. The performed demolition is to support the new elevator bank and bridge connection which will be installed across Longwood Ave and connect to the main Hospital.

Client: Suffolk Construction


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